

Fishing innovations to improve your fishing experience. From the truly revolutionary Rexfly Casting System to Adaptive Fishing Rods for One Armed Anglers, Rexfly strives to create products that will help you on the water.  Please click on a page in the upper left.

Customized spinning and casting rods for anyone who only has the use of one arm or has trouble holding a rod when fighting big fish.

Adaptive Spinning Rod with Rexfly Harness

Customized Scheels Outfitters Medium Power Fast Action Spinning Rod 2-piece, original length 6’6” before cutting down the handle for one-arm fishing. Includes Rexfly Chest Harness. Ambidextrous system allows anyone with the use of only one arm to be able to fish with this spinning rod. Also helps those who have difficulty holding a fishing pole to fight big fish.

Use any spinning reel. DOES NOT INCLUDE REEL.

Adaptive Casting Rod with Rexfly Chest Harness

Customized Scheels Outfitters Casting Rod 2-piece, medium-heavy action, original length 6’ 6”. Includes Rexfly Chest Harness. Ambidextrous system allows anyone with the use of only one arm to be able to fish with this bait casting rod. Also helps those who have difficulty holding a fishing pole to fight big fish.

Use any bait casting or spincast reel. DOES NOT INCLUDE REEL.

Adaptive Rexfly Casting System for One Handed Fly Fishing

For the fly angler who only has the use of only one hand or limited use of both hands. The Rexfly Casting System will be set up for a person who can fly fish using only one hand and comes with special instructions.

We are proud to be the official adaptive equipment provider for Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing to get disabled veterans with only the use of one arm out fly fishing.

Rod Customizing Kit - Rexstix Locking Rod Butt (One Arm Fishing)
Rexstix Locking Rod Butt